Monday, November 5, 2007

Yeah, Right

Sen. Lee Constantine is taking a free trip to "learn" about nuclear power:

State Sen. Lee Constantine, R-Altamonte Springs, is one of four lawmakers from Florida, Maryland, Maine and New Mexico leaving Saturday on a seven-day trip to see how the Melox and La Hague nuclear plants operate.

The legislators and nuclear experts will stay in the Hotel du Louvre in Paris near the famous museum, visit the U.S. Embassy and travel to the northern coast to visit the plants.

Sounds fishy to me.

The Nuclear Energy Institute, a trade group made up of companies that own nuclear plants in the United States, had planned to pay $60,000 toward the trip.

To make sure the trip didn't violate Florida's law banning gifts to legislators, the Senate's chief lawyer has worked out a deal with the National Conference of State Legislatures to cover Constantine's $6,000 expense.

Sure, but won't the NEI still be donating money to Constantine's next campaign for office? Also, couldn't the NEI just donate some of this money to the National Conference of State Legislatures? Complying with the letter of the law is not good enough, since there are always loopholes.

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